"Why yes, all you can eat puke. What I great

  • "Why yes, all you can eat puke. What I great idea!" I replied sarcastically. Well what direction do you expect a conversation started about finding teeth in your sausage to lead to
  • I tried to cleanse that awful idea from my head, by thinking of other things, but the memory stuck. Finding the tooth in that sausage was the worst part of the trip, I couldnt even
  • even give a blow job without fear of being bitten back. Ugh, the fear of finding another tooth in a piece of sausage made my life into a kinked slinky.
  • I was too afraid to go down the steps anymore. I curled up in my room and withdrew my thumb from my mouth so as not to bite into it by mistake. I courted old toothless women online
  • and started petitions against those fake vampire teeth and wind-up chomper toys. It was official; I'd gone dental. My biweekly dentist appointment was scheduled for 3:30 and I
  • fretted internally, am I going frequently enough?? Am I truly taking this whole dental health thing seriously enough? Sure, my friends mocked me, "but you wear full dentures!" But
  • tered corn would always get stuck in my dentures and this worried me even more. What if Gus tried to French kiss me & I didn't have my dentures inserted properly? He might
  • suck them out of my mouth and into his own. Gus loved me. It was a unique romance where Gus would come to my house with all sorts of
  • exotic snakes to bite me. Then Gus would pucker those sweet lips up and suck all the poison out. It was very erotic.
  • Too bad for our fetish, sucking out the poison just gets the other guy poisoned too. Posthumously, people secretly were glad of our deaths. So much for sanctity of human life.


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