In the morning about 7am , derek went to

  • In the morning about 7am , derek went to his elementary school by walking. He came out from his house and he started to walk to school. when he was walking he saw a haunted house
  • boat moored at the edge of Phantom Lake. People in town kept their distance from the haunted houseboat, even in the daytime, but on Derek's trek to school that morning,
  • Derek had finally gotten the green light from Rebecca. He was going to score, but where? Maybe that haunted houseboat on Phantom Lake? Why not he thought as he sprayed Axe
  • all over his Xbox controller. It was going to be bit of a hassle to lug the system and TV up the hill, but well worth it. "I can't wait to totally pwn Rebecca on Halo!" he thought.
  • With TV and Xbox in a cart, he took off. It was snowing and the road was slick. He shuffled gingerly, hesitating. Playing Halo with Rebecca would be worth it, he thought.
  • Max could be irrational when the mood struck him, and tonight the mood hit with the same brute force as the wind attacking his face and neck. Media strapped to a cart but no scarf.
  • The muffler that his Mum had knitted lovingly for him was back home draped over a chair. Max hadn't been thinking about such pleasant things when he headed out into the cold, windy
  • Wintery night, no muffler for his rod, which limply waggled alongside him, like some foreign lump of flesh bound by spandex and lace. His Mum called the Fuzz and spilled her guts
  • on the Fuzz's motorcycle jacket. "Hey, it's all good Mrs. C." the Fuzz assured her & handed her some Imodium. A finger snap & Ralph & Potsie lick the jacket clean of poop. "See, it
  • it helps if you have a couple of patsies who don't mind the nasties." They the Fuzz flip Mrs. C the bird with both hands and said, "Ooooooyyyyyyyy". These were Sad Days.


  1. LordVacuity Mar 06 2018 @ 21:52

    Sorry, pouring hot water while trying to spell is not in my skill set.

  2. LordVacuity Mar 06 2018 @ 21:54

    My fat sausage-like fingers can take some of the blame as well.

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