I could see the peach fuzz on her

  • I could see the peach fuzz on her
  • eyes as she stared at me seductively. That was the first sign that something was wrong, but the only thing I could think about was how irritating it must feel to have fuzzy eyes.
  • I led her to the lab's eye wash station, which had a lint trap. "This should get all the little fuzzies off," I told her as her head rested on the hamster-powered gizmo. Disaster
  • Was just a hamster wheel spoke away. Fernando the hamster was the one in charge, but he had no interest in running the machine. Her eyes were burning, and the eyewash was the only
  • way to express her true feelings to her captors. She looked up at them with her soulful eyes, eyes that seemed to say, "
  • Feeeeeeeed Meeeeeeeee." Hypnotised by those eyes, her captors fed her and fed her. Soon she was too large to fit through the cell door. The day of release came and a bevy of warder
  • oids descended on the wardens before they had time to process her prison release papers. The warderoids hulked down to their Queen's cell where she sat uncomfortably stuffed inside
  • of a Sentry electronic fire-safe. Once out of the joint, she was determined to become the next Houdini. The lead Warderoid entered the Queen's cell, rapped on the safe's door, and
  • waited for the Chime Echo. Nothing came back. The Warderoid's alert system pinged. SecDrones were drafted to the sector outside the Queen's Cell. The Warderoid checked the electro
  • harmonix and the psychoacoustics and all was in order. They waited in silence for the Silence that would consume them, and said the last words that would ever be said.


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