A long time ago I found shoe box filled

  • A long time ago I found shoe box filled with silver dollars. It was buried under my grandmother's porch along with a box that contained a wedding gown.
  • And another box containing a skeleton wearing nothing but a yellowed bridal veil. Grandmother said she knew nothing about the silver dollars, the wedding gown & the skeleton, but
  • when I found an old letter with what looked to be blood stains on it I became suspicious. Grandmother had hidden the letter underneath a loose floorboard. I stuck my head
  • in between my fat dog's ass cheeks...I always wondered what that would feel like. Strangely, it helped me focus better on the pressing issue...why did Grams hide the bloody letter?
  • ummm the happy puppy ran and ran and was so happy it was finally adopted!
  • Tom took the puppy to Petco (where the pets go), gave him shots and wrapped him in beautiful cloths. He later showed him off at home to his family.
  • The family was not that impressed, and told tom to take that dog back to the Petco and get them a cat.
  • But instead of a cat, a canary came out of the box that was delivered from Petco. The whole house was scared of birds so when the canary flew out of the box everyone screamed loud
  • & proud. We all hid until the canary decided to land on the table. The canary looked rabid, & after looking at the Petco box we did see the cat we ordered, or at least parts of the
  • bionic cat that required some assembly. Once built, the $6million dollar cat leapt up and swallowed the canary whole and the canary died. With the canary dead, we all died.


  1. Seekers3412 Feb 08 2013 @ 14:55

    Pure crap.

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