The whole point of having my relative over

  • The whole point of having my relative over is to reacquaint myself with the things I hate about her. Armed with this ammo, my cousin and I will finally have something to talk about
  • . At first I couldn't put my finger on it. My relative's ambiguous geneology made it unclear whether she was my Aunt or my Granny, which meant that my cousin might be my
  • ex-roommate's, best-friend's cousin's mother's every-other-week housecleaner, which made Darth Helmet and I nothing at all! It was also so clear what I had to do now & I pulled my
  • sheets tightly up to my chin and wiggled deeper under the covers. I had always wanted to bed Darth Helmet, but now that my path was clear I was feeling apprehensive. Would he be
  • gentle or would he use the dark side of the schwartz? Helmet
  • fixed firmly on his head, he felt the pull towards the path of darkness. Each man, when reaching the age of 18 had to submit an official document stating whether they chose evil or
  • good. He thought he had chosen to follow the path of goodness and light, but instead his magnetized headgear dragged him right into the arms of Lois, High Priestess of the Dark.
  • "I told you that fez was cursed!" Our hero's squire said between a fit of giggles. Lois, High Priestess of the Dark ™, flashed a dark smile and nodded in agreement.
  • She then slapped the squire upside the face and grabbed the cursed fez. Putting it on, Lois invoked the grisly cherubs and ordered than to transport her to her temple.
  • Finally Superman's time travel plot device let him catch up with Lois. He ripped the cursed fez off her head & sent her home alone. He waited around until the 21st century.


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