I remember a time in the world when the internet

  • I remember a time in the world when the internet did not exist, nor did cell phones. People called each other on the home phone, and would show up when they said they would be som
  • ewhere. But now, in a world run by technological giants, one man will rise up to save them all from carpal tunnel, texting addictions and the pornography. Will he succeed? Or wil
  • l he carry on narrating for dramatic effect? No really now this is getting ridiculous, the world is ridden with fires, manslaughter and hunger, though is he going to do anything?
  • IN A WORLD full of misery and strife. A SOLITARY MAN will be the CHOSEN ONE who change EVERYTHING. He picks up the remote and SWITCHES THE CHANNEL.
  • EVERYTHING on the screen changes: he has randomly CHOSEN ONE program. He watches a cop show, simultaneously playing cellphone SOLITAIRE, chuckling: "No more miserable WORLD news!"
  • Just then, his cell phone rings. "Hello?" He frowns as an automated voice on the other end tells him all about President Obama meeting with Cuba's leader. So much for missing the
  • evening news! The next thing he knows, he is waking up in a hospital room. There is an IV in his arm, pumping him full of fake news as the TV screwed to the wall blares Larry King
  • "Tonight, I tell you how to spot fake news from fake news only on Larry King" No! the man screamed, ripping the IV of fake news from his arm. He chucked the IV holder at the TV and
  • it struck Larry on the head. He staggered & keeled over. "The King is dead!" screamed the filming crew. Trump, watching the show, panicked:"What country has a King Larry? Oh, wait,
  • was he that talking guy? hmm, should of taken that bet..." It was bedtime. Everyone of importance was in his pajamas. The moon gave him a wink as he tucked himself into bed. *poot*


  1. Woab Feb 13 2019 @ 12:30

    This story is absolutely brilliant. It starts off complaining about modern technology and then is swallowed by it. Ice squad's line cracked me up.

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