Finished Folds (21—40)
3As the cats clawed their way to Downtown, Humans yelped and screeched as scores of cats attacked and made the humans their pets. I was in Floor 12, panicking as the cats climbed
2pie and make them pay the price of insanity. Or they could just sell them to Santa. They grinned as they logged in the The Dark Web. Fortunately, Santa had access as well and they
2been looking for: The Algodoo marble. It was perfect with lots of abilities like teleportation, camouflage, and most importantly, speed. I could go anywhere! Maybe even
4surprisingly delicious. So delicious that we cried, and the bartender made more of that Coco we longed for. As we cried tears of I don't know what, we got paid and went home.
4ed off this story with a tragic ending, but alas it was bad luck or karma, as I struggle to remember what recent events happened with the lack of oxygen to my brain. Welp, that
12ACN was the first author of this folding story. This first fold had 165 characters with more than 10 words. This story will have 10 folds by the time the story ends.
6too busy looking at something else: The lunar eclipse. As the moon faded from the light, she collapsed. He had no choice but to do CPR on the priestess, and saved her life.
7and tried to eat his head. But then his face was soaked by the cookie monster's saliva and all of a sudden, he looked normal. Did it help him survive the cookie monster? Nope.
5The hallway of candles were too overwhelming for her. She fainted, and was knocked out for a while. When she regained consciousness, a figure appeared from the other side of
4then Stefano Spazzilani stepped in along with Joeseph Figgliozzi. They knocked out Don, then stopped y to say thanks. "If it wasn't for you, the pasta would've gone cold.
6ade other people. At least he was trying. The one mistake he made was that he labeled the jar dna instead of DNA. He didn't know he was using Docile neutralizing acids instead of
3regular person. 10 hours later, he woke up and they went through their day like nothing really happened. As she went to the gym that day,
6quickly arrested the evil beings, sending them to dance prison where they were forced to dance trends that were very dead. And everybody was safe. The End. 10/10 would recommend.
2so left, then came back. The Butterfinger was there alone. As the Skittles approached Butterfingers, a dark figure came up, but it wasn't any of the Mars Bars
5Step 1: Create Clickbait posts that are sure to get views and followers. Step 2: Ask for donations and post actually decent stuff. Step 3: Use the popularity to run for president.
1As he put it away, he looked back, tears filling his eyes, but not crying. "Maybe sooner or later, he thought" But as he was walking away, he saw a piece. The corner piece.
2scent. I then saw Taffy, who also had transformed. But we were stuck with a problem: The cat was hunting us. We scrambled to find weapons we could fit in our tiny paws, Taffy with
3managed to eat one of those Delicious, MoUtH-WaTeRiNg CaNdIes! it was so delicious, he forgot where he was driving to, and swerved off a cliff. He survived, and when he realized
1Running to the safe, he tried the break it with a hammer with no success. But then he realized where the boss stored the code. After finding out that the code was 8675309, he
1Unfortunately, there was no escaping that unless I could do something like change the time... Wait a second... As I saw the clocks all around town, I had an idea.