Finished Folds (21—32)
4lied his chicken army. Chicken fire shot from their beaks, toasting the monks like marshmallows. The cookies exploded shooting them into space where they lived happily ever after
3became ill, sprouting a horn and becoming a unicorn. Lollipops grew everywhere until the villagers, armed with puppies and hand cream, cured polio and saved the day.
3Mary Jane was sick. Maybe it was because of the under cooked spider casserole or the ill advised walk in the ice storm with the Parisian Panda. But otherwise he had no regrets.
3"Well, that's it then. ll that remains is for us to marry and bear baby chicks." "We'll live with the elves who will teach us to eat spiders." He smiled, as the kittens sang.
8"You can't be allergic to peanut butter, you're already allergic to cats, dogs, pigs and rabid owls!" cried James Edward Almos who suddenly emerged from the chimney.
7better put your pants back on", she said with more confidence. "That is, if you can find them." The Inquisitor fell back with a shock, disappearing forever in a puff of Febreeze.
6"No!", screamed Bump Biggles, hitherto unmentioned in the story, as he leveled his revolver. Suddenly a shot rang out. Bump's shot echoed the first. The end came quickly.
3catalytic converter from a '57 Chevy blessed by seven impotent Druidic priests as foretold in the Book of the Almost Dead. The metal crashed down with a sound like
4grenadine!" "On the Good ship...lollipop..." began the song, at first sweet and innocent, but as Shirley's mouth filled with blood and her eyes blazed with fire, it became a
3the day the kangaroos wept and the soft Thornlillies refused to grow was not the end of the beginning, or the middle of the end, or even the middle of the ending's beginning, but
4ting sore from stooping over, searching for lost throw pillows that might have been hidden in the nests of cobwebs beneath the barren sofas. They scratched and clawed
3He realized immediately, that he should have gone with his split fingered fastball, his best pitch. A changeup? What we he thinking! The ball sailed towards the suspect, hanging