0 Folds
3"You can't spell 'ancient philosopher' without 'erotic prowess.'" Years later, I realized this wasn't actually true, but it was too late. My love life would forever be ruled by
1before realizing, to my instant regret, that I couldn't pass through solid matter. The moped crumpled to a useless heap. I did the same, barely managing to hold onto the briefcase.
2The machine sat silent in the centre of the room, its blades and hammers glistening in the dim light. Bill stared at the large button marked "Do not press." His eyebrow twitched.
1book report ever written. The margins were perfect, the font stylish yet subtle -- but was it good enough to save his life? He handed it to the masked man and crossed his fingers.
1just have to ask her. "Excuse me," he said, "But I can't help noticing your eerie fire-creation powers. Are you some sort of magical creature?" "Funny you should ask," she replied