1 Folds
5never materializes. Everyone claims that their dreams are haunted by toothy monsters and balding insurance salesmen, so why are my nightmares like this? Where is the tension, the
4but none of them bearing that name. "Is the School of Fish located in an alternate reality? The Other dimension, perhaps?" The Green Goblin smirked. "You know nothing of colleges."
4slowly, almost langorously. In the years since the Great Boom, human-insect relations had become exponentially friendlier than expected. Scooby Doo was a traditionalist, of course.
6The pirates were a problem, of course, but when were parrot-carrying eyepatch-bearing individuals of questionable morals not an issue? The music industry was not weak, and Nikki's
4The Conglomerate had not heard back from the T52F-bound rocket in years, of course. But this was the year. Andromedicus was going to arrive at an unexplored galaxy and relay their
7"One." A rustling betrayed the sudden disappearance of several timid birds. "Two." A small mouse, this time. All hiding. Why should he wait to have fun? "Ready or not, here I
3"B-but sir. We raised him correctly. Everything exactly to standard. I swear, there were no...irregularities present in his upbringing. He simply can't be an emofish. Certainly not
1strange balancing act. Work. Practice. Little time for sleep, these days. She was definitely making progress, though. Her dreams were finally in sight, and Kylie was determined to
3surprising to others, when they first saw it. He certainly didn't force himself to adhere to rules of- what did they call it?- neatness? Yuke worked for none but himself.
2unsettlingly damp. He glanced at the small shard of mirror taped to the nearest wall. Just as expected. Nothing had changed. The days, the weeks, the months, the years- they had no