1 Folds
2all of the millionaires in the world 17. Eat some pudding because we all deserve a break. 18. Take a check-up to see if your left nostril is infected. 19. Try to infect Kim-Jong-Un
4Like he was literally reduced to tears. As in his entire body has transformed into eye ball secretions just by thinking of something! The doctors did all they could to fix him but
7Plus it would probably be to costly for the fish to afford detachment surgery. They also are very clumsy so they might detach the wrong organs.
3Angus McGregor-Lipawitz worked hard to gain her mom a spot in the Billionaire planet cemetery. When he finished school he spent all of his time working a decent job for his mom unt
4placebo was actually the real deal! Well actually not the real deal it was another drug. Tortuga felt the world spin around her. Her limbs feel like wet noodles and she started to
6of England Elizabeth II has obliterated all of the other kings of the other countries by her special power of going everywhere not even the bishops or the pope can stop her. Obama
5think that's a great idea honestly. A great solution for overpopulation. Plus kids are always doing horrible stuff better prevent potential bad deeds.
4But I have opened so much jars that it got stuck on me and it almost cost me my job! Who would've thought I would be closing them? But my boss was kind enough to just punish me wi-
5of gross and biology did you know that there are tiny mites that live on your face! They also poop when they die.
3The thing that is more weird is that there is a whole organization about wearing blood panties as a blindfold. I did more research and found out that
3power it up you must gesticulate in order to get it's battery full. Once that is done you can order your "vegan" meal. When it arrives you
1the extinction of the birds but still. People are very curious sure it killed the cat but eating random things had help us discover new things. Maybe these birds are better of dead
1impatient, too impatient, so impatient that they don't even care about it anymore. They chopped the king tree and went back home to their swamp and told made up endings to their's.
2But the wing was. No not Greta's wing the wing of the parrot it was probably possessed. The parrot was then taken to an elderly woman who claimed to have knowledge about magic and
3truck took of and went on it's merry way until it ran over a dog. Well at least the man was a cat person. He then stepped out of the vehicle and