0 Folds
2In my leisure time I take walk in Central Park just to make fun of the homeless, that irritate my sense for asthetic.
2Peter Jones, a radical believer through and through, couldn't explain such a miracle. But since he instantly got sucked into the gaping void, he didn't have time to think about it.
0It would be easy to say, that indiegames.com brought me here. But there is more to the story. An awesome story, full of senseless plot twists... and Kevin Bacon. It began with a
2spectators that had filled the street, eager to witness my awesome angel crushing. Uriel stood up, but it was already too late. He got no chance to see the basketball decapitating
0something else to fill up her alcohol-meter. Never in her life did she go on an adventure even closely to sober. Her father taught her to achieve mastery in drinking, but when
0anything else, satisfying my obscure fetish of masochism?" "You are my brother", she replied "I could never do that! Besides, could you please take off those irritating chains?"
1if anyone knew, that almost everyone ruling anything on this planet was an asshole, so you pretty are out of competition, if you lack a spark of assholery. He checked, if
1The self-proclaimed 'f-ing rockstar from mars' kept his cool and replied: "You know whom artistic talent is for? Actors! I'm no actor, I'm a golden f***ing God! And just because...