0 Folds
4Who even named their kid Nigel? that was just asking for trouble, Nigel is such a dodgy assed name.. I mean sure, it sounds fancy and well educated but you're wrong in fact it is a
0had its menacing razor like claws embedded in his face. With one fluid motion the Dragon Wraith retracted its wrist backwards blood spraying everywhere, all color left my face and
4I'ts been a long night alright, I don't quite know what I'm on about anymore.. The acid has long since taken its hold, and the walls are whispering to me, that's not good right?
4It was a quiet night , well quiet enough for the bustling chaotic city of New Orleans. Having half naked girls running around going "Woooo" was all but a common occurrence here.
6would go for, then again I once knew a woman who found tiny Asian men incredibly sexy. So anything is possible right? At least I was hoping so.