Finished Folds (21—25)
1right before his eyes! What is going on here?, he asked himself. The crack continued to grow and inch by inch it was the wall was opening up toward the ceiling of the bedroom.
4obsessed over food but it was his love. He loved the scents, the flavors, the essence of the food itself. He opened the spice cupboard to see what he could add and found some
3But none the less, here he sat, glued to the shiny black widescreen of his computer monitor. When was the agony going to stop? Bleep... bleep...what was that? He was getting a
3She had done it! After all the long years of studying it was finally going to pay off she thought as she applied her lipstick and rolled the hot rollers into her hair. Now, she
3the corners of her mouth turned down in what was just a slight frown as if to say she was sorry and she loved him for being the kind of man who could understand that what she neede