Finished Folds (41—60)
3We were kickedd out the mall 23 seconds after.
5Then I went. to my local church support. group. But church was. (as it is told in Uncyclopedia) Walkenlogy and we. spent the night trying to talk like Christopher. Walken.
1The unicorn killed himself.
1and called the smokes' company. He demanded more smokes. Then he turned off the phone. Then he cut himself. Then the Smoke Seller came to the Franch Owner's house. Then they smoked
1But his joy didn't last long. Soon the priest was replaced by a Walruslogy Preacher, who bored him to death.
2I I wanna rock and roll all night and party everyday You keep on saying you'll be mine for a while You're lookin' fancy and I like your style You drive us wild, we'll drive you
4Darth Vader apearred and destroyed R2D2's radio. He then saw that Yoda was alive (which he didn't considered after realizing that Luke was his son and was a Jedi in Episode V).
2They screamed because they heard that, like winter, GAME OF THRONES SEASON 5 IS COMING; with the alliance between Tyrion Lannister, Jorah Mormont and Arya Stark (and Varys perhaps)
3Two days ago, Catatafish, of the Salmon School, was summoned by Lemmiwinks, hero of Mr. Slave's digestive sistem to help him kill his evil cousin, Sokratis.
2would be attacked by the Greek army. But fortunatley it wasn't.
2He drank the two cans of soda.
1suicided then. But he reincarnated as The Big Lebowski, spreading wisdom from the world
4to the frontman of KISS. Flumsy decided to replace him on the band. They fought each other in a Dragonball style, who ended with Fumsy victory, who became the KISS frontman.
4steal Einstein's brain in case I'd loose mine. Then i started to think on a way to stop the curse. Unfortunatley, i couldn't do it because
4was no other than Chuck Norris, who won superpowers by sucking the souls of his unborn brothers. He then turned us straight and then
1to Bruce Willis, who said "Yippie Kye Yay, Motherfucker" and killed him. Bruce Willis then disappeared and went to Uncle Uzbekistan, where he joined force with Borat and killed
4you must enjoy it
3Then he made a speech about the importance of paying taxes. It had no effect. America was destroyed. Only 20 years later CAPTAIN MISSOURI became president of the All-NEW USA!!!
2Romania was eventually destroyed and Mindy won the Nobel Peace Prize. Then, she had to deal with Missouri's Declaration of Independance. She sent CAPTIAN MISSOURI to
4Then he died. Everybody attended his funeral, including the now left handed old lady. His death led to World War LXVII, which was won by Paraguai. But that's another story.