1 Folds
4dreaming of electric sheep and other dimensions - good luck convincing them of anything. He still thinks he is in La La Land and I'm too tired to argue. I smiled and said
3"Are you sure this isn't explosive?" Rick asked. "I never said it wasn't," Alice stated coldly, standing at a safe distance from the
5It's not about the money, I told myself. But I knew it was. Jane was on her way to me now and all I could think of was how badly I wanted to
1"Umm... you could make a new breed of breakfast eggs?" Brian replied. Emily sighed. She had almost forgotten how unimaginative he could be. At least he had a huge
5I clicked my tongue. "Marcus, it really is a shame we don't hate the same people. We would have made a great team." I could see the terror in his eyes as I loaded my gun and
3He told me I had a superiority complex, but what does he know - he's beneath me. I folded my arms and then
2space like a plane passenger who had accidentally fallen asleep on my lap. I was at a loss for words, but I didn't want to disappoint Cindy. So, I
3my nerves to catch up with my lofty trash talk. I was going to kill him--as soon as I got those damn voices to stop telling me how to do it. I can figure it out myself, thanks.
4I would have stabbed Frank too, had I not needed a ride home. Besides, I was wearing my favorite shirt and didn't want to deal with dry cleaning it again. "Can we just forget it?"
2The moment I dreaded had arrived. It was time to explain myself. "I... I was just trying to..."
6"That's okay," I told her as she struggled to fix the painting, attempting to make it look more presentable, I assumed. "It's better than anything I could do." Another lie.
6I marched off to my car, revving up the engine before slamming the door. My blood boiled and I could barely enter Damien's address into the GPS. No matter--I knew the way by heart.
2recluse nothing but time to judge others while she sat alone in her home, only her cats to keep her company. It was a shame really, because deep down, I wanted her to like me.
0I never finish what I start. I've learned to accept that about myself in old age. Well, I shouldn't say never...there was this one instance...
1I enjoyed working with numbers because numbers made sense. They were logical--unlike people, who were more like abstract art in which you could only guess the artist's true motive.