Finished Folds (21—27)
6christ mint candy that, once eaten, was destined to ruin the life of whoever swallowed it. And that meant Nate. So, yeah, he was a geek and destined never to get laid, but at least
3was the pride and joy of the county, whose sole industry was that of the oyster processing persuasion. Normally no self-respecting tourist would ever deign to go to those smelly
2into the ball pit with grins on their faces, not caring in the slightest about the apocalypse raging around them. At least they were happy the last five seconds of their lives.
2kingly passive-aggressive things about each other's hats in order to boost their fragile self-esteems. I hate them. But then again, I've always hated society. That's why I want to
5was placed a monument memorializing the event, and it was passed on from generation to generation as a morality tale to warn the children of the dangers of failing at life.
3had once offered me eternal youth, but I had turned the offer down. I liked my ugliness, and besides, it was good to look old. It gave you credulity. And free candy.
7As he approached the center of the field, he couldn't help but think about his impending doom. He glanced down at the package in his hand. It wouldn't save him. Why bother with it?