Finished Folds (141—160)
6Getting Mrs Hudson to buy us a ticket wasn't the hard part. The hard part getting Holmes on the train on time before the Titanic left shore. His health was such, that
3watching me closely and coughed a remark about the fog. "Harmless.", I told the gnome, but I obviously disagreed. The little town of Gothamshire hadn't much to offer and now that
2and nearly crashed into an enormous tree. "What the.." I pulled the brake and had a look around. Where was the train station? Where was Simon? A strange creature loomed over me.
2Janitor Janet turned her head, revealing a giant beak, and squealed. "Holy Mary and Joseph!" he screamed, falling with his back through the door, in the hallway again.
4amused with the rather revealing jeans I wore to school, but I didn't care. Eventually I reckoned a good dollar was to be made, acting as a pretty girl.
4"CUT IT OUT!" Capt. Daniels shouted. "I don't like the prospect of losing course and getting sucked in Uranus' orbit without..." Again, the space shuttle was filled with laughter.
5Not that staring in people's mouths is the best past-time ever, but after 41 days alone in the Gobi-desert, I think I would kiss the first person I see on the lips. I think I heard
4offered them uppers, but the masked mob said no. Well armed and high on socialist adrenaline, they trampled the white picket fenced front yards, gesturing and
0A new wax producer contacted the band for their marketing campaign aimed at hipsters and young artistic types. They refused, ofcourse, but not before
2parasites. She felt stronger. Only the gentle tickle in the back of her throat reminded her of the Xeroto. She wasn't sure if these new ideas and cravings were really hers or if
6We opened all the doors and windows, let a fresh breeze in. The butler did his best not to look cross; as did the rest of the staff. It was a crazy night
1They never even looked for Helen, I bet." The old song filled the night. And when morning came, we all had a craving for something sweeter
2are about leaving this fucking city and everyone in it, Carl included. I don't even care if the baby is his or if drinking at 3am in a casino is bad for me, the only thing
0The bastard laughed. Just the same way he had laughed after managing to sell half of San Fransisco gluten-free asbestos last winter. I walked out of his office, pushing him
5her to the gates of the Harbwire Prison Facilty. "No sympathy and no regrets.", she thought. And her fate was sealed.
2kings and emperors sent personal tasters and merchants every year. The note led me to the lower parts of Uqbar, right near
6harden a man's fists as well as his mind. Or hers, as far as he cared. That meant she hadn't necessarily tried to hurt him. It could just have been a sick twist of
3and that's our cue to show our moves. Not every club has dancing twins as the main act on Fridays. My brother and I don't do it for the money ofcourse, we know
1Technology hadn't stood still for the past few years. If I could get a hold of a camera with a lens big enough to
2He could calm everyone down, at last, after which he erased the board and started over. "Everything starts with the scale: If you