Finished Folds (1—20)
2that this country has had the letter 'P' banned for generations. So they switched the name, as well as orientation, of their business and formed
1raided their offices, processed meat in hand. Throwing some calorie bombs at the building's front door, he grabbed a hold of the secretary. "I've got a beef with the execs."
0With a burning desire in her eyes she marched into the store. Before she knew it the sensation started spreading, and soon the entire store had caught on fire. As she ran
0She barely had enough time to pull him in before the banana outbreak, and they were lucky to find cover. Within short notice there were bananas as far as the eye could see.
0she was so utterly moved by both of them. From that point forward she travelled the world looking at people masturbating and pooping. I should add that this was before the internet
0Hello. I'm just here to interrupt the story. No particular reason. Do carry on!
4drenched in mustard. I refused, and was then offered an alternative – köttbullar with lingonsylt. Never being one to pass up on a plate of köttbully goodness, I
4"Die, monster!", Richter yelled. "You don't belong in this world!" Dracula didn't move an unnecessary muscle while saying, "It was not by my hands that I am once again given flesh"
1tingle with excitement over what deliciously evil deeds they both were up to. "Finish the job!", the moustache would whisper to him. Steve calmed it down by combing it,
0, which was a shame, because he had created what we today refer to as a chocolate bar, and what a bar he had made. His prototype contained such mouth-watering goodness such as
0he saw the sun for the first time since that thought occurred to him, for he had become known as Hardass McTestosterone, and he had been wrestling polar bears in Arctic caves since
1joined the travelling circus, for self-pleasuring was his only trade. He became known around the globe as the man who could jerk off to anything. One day, however,
3before tabbing into his Firefox window with in it's address box. That site was his Valhalla; filling him with tranquillity only matched by that of
1the next thing you knew you were being held hostage by the Spanish Inquisition and their pathetic torture devices. Hell, their leader wasn't even played by a proper Brit!
2a break, so instead we had a Snickers each, because *fuck* Clark Bars. After getting upset at each other over the next board game (Scrabble), we decided on another board game
3– Open Sesame! And with those words, both Kool *and* the gang showed up and jammed out like there was no tomorrow. The funk levels were unmeasurable, and the entire place
0who thought he was some kinda Mafioso. "Yo kid", he would tell the toe with the painted toenail, "if you don't cut that out this second, the nail won't be the only red thing."
1pee-nilly-penis, Maude!" And so I prayed to the lord that He would help me get out of here. I booked my flight, but on my way out of the country I stumbled across
0John Madden, although whether that was a pleasant dream or a football-crazy nightmare is up for debate. Barbie and John would go out on trips and he would not stop talking football
1"My hair has the power to subvert gravity!"