0 Folds
2Dixie looked down at her, stuck to his now horribly matted fur. Honey candy was the worst, and he had finally had it with her jacking up his dry cleaning bill.
1She looked up at him with the deepest look of disdain that she could muster. "Tell me, Hugh, why on Earth
0she met Art. He excited her more than any
1This back and forth between him and the monkey was getting tiring. There was only one hope. One chance to turn things around.
1taken out for a nice seafood dinner. How did he not see
2tell me differently. Sure, there's the taste. But in reality, does that matter? It's all just a lot of H, a little 2, and a mediocre amount of O.
2to live. They wanted nothing more than to live a life in silence and immobility. Confined to their lilypads for all eternity.
0the way he was wolfing down those peanuts. Granted, it had been a while since he'd last eaten, but he was shoving them in, shells and all, at an alarming rate.
0landed on Ernie's shoulders with a profound thud.