0 Folds
1screeching weasels. In each hand he held a mound of red pepper flakes which he rubbed vigorously into king leonidas eyes. "How's that for swollen eyes?!" he screamed.
1that we were in love. It struck me like a bolt of lighting or a goat-monster punching you in the eye. We both knew it was a crime against nature, but what had nature done for us?
0firmly stated, "Look we both know this ends in only one of two ways. Either you give me the damn package, or I take it. Unless you don't have it... in that case
1the microphone and stood in the spotlight. "Ladies and gentlemen, a joke to start off the evening. A man with a porcupine under each arm walks into a bar and says
1accosted him as he was entering the burger joint. "I don't think so, buddy," one of them said as they pushed him into an alley way. "Hand over your wallet, or I stab you in the