3 Folds
5Great, I thought, I already have trouble sleeping at night and now I have this disturbing thought to think about. I wish the tiny mites on my face would use a bathroom or go
5the weird face the director made. He always made that face whenever the actress started acting like a grade A bitch. The New York Philharmonic decided to lighten the mood by
2Do you think they noticed that we switched out the beef steaks for human? one of the cows asked. No, they've been eating Mcdonalds for years which has made them used to non-beef
3talked with his brother, skippy. Skippy was a pilot who had done one too many barrel rolls. "You got to help Tippy" I told him, Skippy replied, Press B to throw bombs at him-hulk
4ok, sorry but I cannot publish this story, the editor sighed. "squishy squee?" the writer asked. It just doesn't make any sense, it sounds like it was written by random people
2f Cats, she's the one that sang that song about sad cats. It makes me tear up every time I've watched that musical, which was never cause it sucked kind of like the ending to this.
2I saw him, I remember it almost like it was yesterday. "Ok Grandma you know I love hearing that story every 5 min but now its time for your meds and some sleep" who are you again?
6procure the blood diamonds and . . . "you know what, I'm gonna be honest, I have no clue where to go with this", the writer said as he closed his notebook and tossed his pen.
4thought to himself, "By golly! Am I really that fat?" and then he followed that thought with "Oh no! That's my last thought of life" and with that, he was gone.
2badger, a jello eating badger to be precise. The badger was not too pleased with this encounter and leapt towards him and sent the jello licking fiend to his grave. The end.
4"Tonight, I tell you how to spot fake news from fake news only on Larry King" No! the man screamed, ripping the IV of fake news from his arm. He chucked the IV holder at the TV and
5pies. They didn't set too many traps though, because that costs money and as we all know humans are stingy with money. For example I can't even afford to finish this story because
6"Today is the day when the day will no longer be day!" Barnes cackled maniacally as the weapon began to charge. A bright beam then shot towards the sun. All seemed lost until
6That's a weird word when you think of it, knickers.. kind of makes me think of Snickers, I wish I had some Snickers while hanging here by my knickers, i thought. The bullies then
5Suddenly time began to reverse itself, and the ball flew back out. "LAOOOOOOOG" Saint Peter shouted while running backwards. The music of the angel band played in reverse, someone
4characters, which are 8 bytes each. so thats 40 bytes per fold..carry the 9..but thats only 2.4 GB! My phone has 10 times that much. its settled, donate your phone to folding story
3to be known as some banana lovin, peanut bamboozalin bimbo. No, not a Panda like Wanda. Pandas like her have class, just like my friend Joala the Koala. Joala only ate Eucalyptus
1The state seal of justice was particularly ruthless against the club factory, whose main customers were seal beaters. If they thought SJWs were tough, wait until they deal with me!
1I LOVE YOU, WILL YOU MARRY ME? Mr. Manager Man squealed in delight, "I thought you'd never ask!" So they were married, and Roger Dirt went back to college to study instead of work.