Finished Folds (21—25)
4enormous waterfall shaped as a platypus' tail. Conveniently located on the end of a winding path just wide enough to carry the sacrificial fruit and people that please the Gods of
2Useless... My dad's pump is in the cabinet, the 12ga's are in the kitchen drawer. Those mother*** better have their own, final wish because I'm a comin' to find out what it is.
2"Follow me Avery. No, no please don't be shy. As you walk along through these doors you will I hope soon find that WE posses the cure for all your ailments. You do have those don't
7Like all important days in human history, this one too had a rather casual beginning. A shower, cup of coffe, a walk outside to get the morning paper... "Holy smokes! What is that
5carefully remove the metal front plate and push the large yellow button, your Friendomatic will smile at you. Greet it in a funny way like: "what's cookin'?". This will calibrate