Finished Folds (141—160)
4nobody outside the loop could even suspect that Pablo Picasso was alive.The OnLab'sBackAllPray secret society was well attended(despite the odd name...).Elvis was a member,also Cha
6Hush!" "Gunter got gay." Fudge...failled for feelings.Edible engines emited e-rays everywhere.
4Era.Mesozoically speaking,I was crapping myself.I had to get out of there and outwit those dinos,but I knew nothing about time travelling.Aristotle
4fully washed and pressed shirt and avoid the complaints.DO-YOUR-JOB! he said
7pao interest.So,Charlie found out almost by accident that his BBF Tesla had a thing for chinese girls in silk dresses.The girl in the green qipao held Tesla's
7an effort,but the scene featuring Chewbaka,Hans Solo and lea's buns was by far the best one and got a standing ovation at the PornPremiumAwards
4that he could suck on...and ,oh!That Count could suck!Edward had nothing on him...Royalty does make a difference!Bella was never hapier!
5Evil Elvis' arms from the floor,and started beating Demonic James Dean with them but I was no match for Idol Zoombies...I was doomed!But Mr.T and the A Team came in to the rescue
8out everithing from bullets to chemical bombs but they did love their breedes,wich is not that normal among llamas.Lorenzo Lamas walked into the Pentagon basement
4One for each word.180 pounds in a week,but I did it!I had the ultimate fold!Comedy,drama,thrill,a prosperous plot,it was all there...but they will never get me!
6And I got back the answers:1Yes.2No.3Of course not.I have one tattoo of a dripping banana split and I would love you to lick it
1text turned out to be a recipe,yes.But a recipe for pancakes.Not this 'new reality' thing,but just plane old pancakes.turns out pancakes were invented by the Pannkaka tribe in
5So the Meter Maid Murderer had a copy-cat?! Who would have guessed! Lucie ran from under the bridge and stood on the steps looking over the campus till
8some kind of was not an emerald afterall.It was some kind of kryptonite transmitter.I thought Superman was dead!Ikea ressurrected him?
0on the add and that's why he deviated his gaze...they were girl's jeans.And there they where on display!On fucking TV!In the Frat House!!!Joe wanted to die but it wouldn't be that
4and Leningrad.Could that be a clue?I had none!Rachmaninoff,the ventriloquist was obviously from some old cold forgoten Siberian corner...could aliens be taking over Russia and
4When the blizzard came to an end, Onyx could finally see.He put his hood down and the dog was just sitting there,a few inches from his face,those big blue eyes
7meant her and suddenly she had her paws all over me!Not that Miss Purdy was not atractive,but the investigation had to go on and Manatee and I were afraid that
5swimsuits tried to control the situation,but Superman was not cooperating.kryptonite or not,caos was spread and the bar
2and a makeover."But then why require facial hair and bad cuticles?Was it a trapp?He would go to no dentist...