0 Folds
1I hate Thursdays. Odd day, I know. Mondays, sure. Wednesdays -- yeah hump day's hard on a lot of people. But most people are OK with Thursday. Thing is, I'm not most people.
0take on the cooking masters, the gourmands who could -- and did -- cook every known species. One day he could wield the Master's Knife. But today, he had to sling more hash.
3much of a cutting edge to them. But they did have something else, didn't they? Thinking quickly, she pulled out the half-drank diet too, added the mentos, shook, and prayed.
0I could've gotten a mint for that on eBay. Oh well, maybe I can just sell the head and some sucker would buy it. Kids these days, didn't know the true value of star wars merch.
2had access to all world knowledge in their pockets. A world where nothing was private anymore. A world where one man could take down a government, and he was just the man to do it.
2boarded a plane to Lisbon, Portugal instead of Lisbon, NY. All in all, thought, it wasn't the worst mistake in the world. The cheese was excellent, and Leroy loved his cheese.
0"Psh. C'mon!" she replied, a look of playful disdain on her face, "I mean what could possibly go wrong?"