Finished Folds (21—40)
0After the girl in the purple bikini yelled at the DJ for all the beach balls, she confided to him that "Voting is the suggestion box on the plantation." - over the loudspeakers...
3"War does not determine who is right - only who is left." Of course, this is only for those who accept the fully artificial, one dimensional, left-right spectrum that propaganda
5doo-doo-doo-doooooo... doo-doo-doo-dooooo "Everybody duck - its a serling Rod headed straight for our eye socket!"
1"Taxation IS theft!"
1"Taxation IS theft and Government IS force!"
1She closed the book, placed it on the table and finally decided to walk through the door.
1sobbed. All he wants in eggs. Fried eggs, poached eggs, scrambled eggs, even 'over easy' eggs! How disgusting! All mother eagles feel
2back to my cave to make wooly red love to her. The result was another wooly red child to carry on in my place. We Neanderthals are not really gone! We live on in
3Unfortunately, because of a tough economy, the maker of Twinkies went bankrupt and you can't get them anymore. Tell that to the angry mob! This is a bit a tight pickle, she
4cub scouts! Only the REAL hackers were almost strating wars and nearly strating lots of other important stuff! The only important stuff the new kids could do was
4scorned a witch after having bedded her for a quick one. The donkey was cursed to only mate with sexy women in high heels who preferred bestiality - not a lot of those available
4the beast with the missing "a" which dislodged the hidden "u" so that the monster could execute the proper "swung" fist. Thus all misspellings were corrected - I least I hope so!
410" (in binary). Majela was a computer science knurd (who always spelled it that way because of the significance of the word spelled backwards). More taunts were hurled
5you could be on the east coast (in Maine) and on the west coast (in Oregon) while in the same city. The universe is curved onto itself, but I always thought the distances involved
4then pulled a Dan Wesson .357 magnum out of her blouse. "But you DO have taste! A Dan Wesson is much superior to a plain old Smith & Wesson." She smiled slowly, but
5Able Applebot arched awkwardly ass backward bringing bountiful beauties back. Creeping craftily crosswise crooning cockeyed ditties, 'e expressed extraordinary erudition.
2on with a Retired Old Fart from Oregon was just bad Karma! A rainy season in Oregon was another matter altogether. Of course the keys fell into the flood waters, which meant
1from me. Of course, she did NOT say she really loved ME - just "she really loved". Which she really does - love all the Toms, Dicks and Harrys she can find, that is. Why I shoul
4it was exactly like the Mona Lisa's smile - enigmatic. But the doll's pee - much less than enigmatic! It smelled of
4Unfortunately, Ted was nonplussed. This had taken 11 months to produce. Was it worth it? I doubt it. What else has taken this long? I really want to know! Who can tell me?