0 Folds
0follow 4 follow
5She walks up to me and says hi. I tilt my head to the side and take in her features. She didn't look real. She was perfect.
2I look around in shock. So this was purgatory. Cas and Dean had warned me about this place. They said its far more terrifying then Hell, but I had to come. I had to find the one.
0she would not die. She closes her eyes and does what her father told her to do. Believe. Then she becomes a ninja and gets out and gets a donut LIVIN LIKE LARRY
1put it next to my foot. Suddenly the man grabbed the bottle of fuel and opened it. Before I could even ask what he was doing or tell him to stop he poured it all over himself.
0everyone saw it. At first no one could believe it. Then they all realized it was true. The killer, was in fact, not a human, but an alien.
2"WHAT????" how dare he? Car and Driver? That's terrible. What ever will you do now?