FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11shoulders, followed by a cacophonous din as the cans rolled across the floor banging into the shelves across the aisle. I mumbled and apology then pushed my cart past his
10reddit, refill wine glass. Grade half a paper, take 3 large gulps of merlot, check FoldingStory, then Facebook. Grade another 1/4 paper, check reddit, FS, FB, refill wine glass.
10the beaver of hyper-criticism. Snow White had wandered into the wrong forest. The goat of existential angst started chewing on the leaves of self-defeat. The narcissistic magpie
10He glared back. It was a glaring contest. My eyes began watering. I propped my eyelids up with toothpicks. He was unwavering. I saw his nose twitch, though. Ah-ha...any moment now.
10ssed designs adorned his binders full of women. "We shall over-comb!" "Keep your stubby little hands and your hair to yourself." The teacher was not impressed.