FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10[You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps]. Other short cliff notes: Pride and Prejudice. [He's a bit of a toff, nope he's not.] Moby Dick [Lots of stuff about rope]
10then the Magic Squirrel of Random Wood tossed three Acorns of Witchery on the ground. They rattled and rollicked until curling golden sprouts came out and dug into the earth.
10. Doris didn't like being called that, but had to admit she COULD be an ass at times. Her eyes took in the desiccated greenery that were once her plants & she berated Winston for
11I made my way to the crypt and found the corpses of all my guards, each sitting side-by-side. I made my way deeper into the crypt and found a decapitated head on a pike. I quickly
14but that didn't stop Gary from screaming about the dangers of jay walking. God damn it, Gary, it's the end of the world! Go eat a cat or something! Maybe I should stab him. Yeah.