FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11alike suffered in the war that ensued. It was bean against bean. Legless legumes were showing up at the hospitals in droves and were fitted with tiny wheelchairs. Widow beans wept
12Maybe if I wasn't such a colossal ass my twin brother wouldn't be such a tremendous fartknocker. Then I wouldn't hate him, or me, so much. I decided to make a change.
32showerknife!" [Gasps] "Guaranteed to kill mom dead or your money back!" [Thunderous applause] [Telephone dialing] "Hi, I'd like to order a showerknife." [Pause] "Norm Bates. 5239 P
12lane six, the one reserved for those with nine bodies or less. Up ahead I saw a tall guy wiith ten snoring bodies in his cart just about to join the line. Scowling vehemently I
10sent turd-sniffing police dogs into my back seat to make sure that it really was a turd. One of them ate it by mistake, thus destroying the evidence. At least my cab was clean.