FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Shuffling my notecards, I could tell this date was bombing quickly. I decided to use the last boomerang left in my arsenal. "Would you be opposed to naming our first kid Vladimir?"
11erse with folding memes. He spoke in tongues of Jhrerek Manatee & the Great Hippo. The FS medics gave Blasted 10cc's of dormant folds, for to drive folders mad is a heroic thing
10the steering wheel, and drove the car up the side of the Convenient Getaway Beam. Chief Wala and Princess HotPocket landed safely and soundly on the carpetlike grass, whereas the q
10one small lizard boy remained: Leif. Fun fact: few lizardfolk like accordion music but Lief was not like most iguanaboys. Leif made Rupert play 6 encores. Afterwards, Leif clawed
11on the autumnal equinox I had a vision. The giant stones formed 11s and started dancing about. I blame it on the