FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10When the lunar eclipse passed and the sun came back out it felt like a new day. A new life. A new beginning. The first day of the rest of my life. I asked a stranger: "What shall I
12we can get to the church on time. That's right. It was Sunday--fried egg day and dress up day all rolled into one. The mess would have to
16Sepia toned, haunting lullabies poured forth from a steely guitar while the brassy voice of the singer stirred us.
11My latest project is to publish my 1000 Greatest Folds divided into categories w/ sub-categories. For example, under SAD will be the categories Aliens, Sex, Junk Food. Under HAPPY
10The light was orange, he reached for the door hinge. He leapt with a poor twinge. His hair was now more fringed. He made it out except for a singe. The Endge