FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
20A few things weren't going a few people's way so they collectively said 'what the hay' and elected the flawed man. Protests erupted on day 1 when the flawed man cut off all funding
107. Magical appliances for my day job as Hogwart's golf course assistant keeper: a varmint divining rod & shrinking bracelet for scouting mole tunnels & laying magic traps. 8.
19conglomerate list of all my other lists with color coding for importance and urgency. 28) Take the vacuum in for servicing. 29) Vacuum house. 30) Check with Manatee P.I. regarding
11"The apocalypse was actually yesterday!"I checked my window to see if the sun was still shining.Yup, still shining. No zombies either.But wait--why was that bird flying backwards?!
10the beaver of hyper-criticism. Snow White had wandered into the wrong forest. The goat of existential angst started chewing on the leaves of self-defeat. The narcissistic magpie