FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11someone else's fingertips, which had just handled several packages and some paper money that previously left the hands of a particularly unsavory cab driver who lived on
10building and drifted our way. Cool as a cucumber Ronna looked me straight in the eyes and said: "Actually, I think I can get away with it."
10chest (which seemed suspiciously gooshy, but it turned out he had spilled some mustard on it at lunch). But neither Jimbeau or Flopp would admit to knowing what a Cleveland Steamer
14had forgot to make payments, and so his Imperial Star Destroyer was repo'd. Due to funding cuts, Storm Troopers were forced to wear white turtlenecks and carry air-rifles. The reb
11"You're wrong," said Eeyore gloomily. "We can't all & some of us don't. That's all there is to it. I don't do mellow." He then wandered to his thistle patch to stand in the rain.