FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15cade, ducking my head as the paparazzi chased me relentlessly. Since when did ugly become the new "sexy"? I spotted an open manhole in the street & jumped in. They wouldn't follow
11Jim heard nothing but crickets. "Tough crowd", he thought to himself. "So, did you hear about the priest who went crazy during his sermon? It was mass hysteria!"
11last sneeze before entering the convertible, Freddie Mercury's last... well, you get the picture. Dr. Moodle's Past Grabber was a fascinating contraption. Some historical events
12l flavor almost as much as the smell reminiscent of cloudy dishwater with a hint of fishoil. But one of these days Madame Wong dreamed of branching out and opening her own
12feet that were stained on the bottom with the toil of her grape stomping ancestors. Their laughter made them feel young and Shall kissed him on the ear and whispered that