FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Madame Wong, while gathering ingredients for her special soup of the day. "Madame Wu, who is that with you?" She eyed the pale man in the Chinese hat with red chin straps.
11But, like so many marriages, it also had an expiration date. Thus, on my wedding night, I dove right in and went to town eating my new spouse, the box of PB Crunch. Yum!!
11all the synaptic connections in my(our) brain are perfectly parallel. Long elegant, straight, strands of neurons all flowing in the same way. My(our) brain can now understand
10his bizarre hobbies. My tabloid editor assigned me to research the rumor that Sir Francis Dashwood was actually an alien chameleon who planned to
10. Being berried alive is a cruel form of execution. The victim is inhumed with berries. As a final insult, a tombstone is buried with him. I, unworthy sacrifice, had been berried.