FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12The first mistake was exchanging his burlap scarf with spandex yoga pants & the 2nd was to replace his bed of nails with a three-ply mohair angora camel hair mattress. Dalai Guru
11noticing that their was a dark hollowness in their eyes. A smile was plastered on to an empty soul. Each movement seemed almost robotic. As if they had all life sucked from them.
12Awakening to the noise of water dripping from the leaking stone ceiling, I observed my present environment. The throbbing pain of a bruise upon my temple disoriented my judgement,
10waggled his eyebrows at me. I'd never noticed them before, so it caught me off guard. "It's way past your bedtime," Det. Manatee told me. He shut down the computer and
11those cancerous bipeds but it looks quite likely that they'll self-exterminate. There's plenty of water on this globe, abundant sunlight, and if you'd like to move in I can throw