FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11shoulders, followed by a cacophonous din as the cans rolled across the floor banging into the shelves across the aisle. I mumbled and apology then pushed my cart past his
10. I realized then that the rub was a spicy red and black pepper mix. On a whim, I hurled a handful at the wizard's face. As he sneezed, sparkling dust (his powers!) shot out.
12ate cards that Darth had saved up from upgrading the Emperor's IT system were all used up and the Empire's credit rating plummeted to one star. Darth took off his helmet and said
14talents but the most amazing one was his phoenix impression. He rose from his own ashes, a smoldering spire of cinders erupted from his urn as the priest read the last rites
10stood in consternation at seeing so many attendees at the Orange Parkas and Sunglasses Jamboree. By then the cops were showing up. The bank cop pointed them to the park festival.