FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11she got out her big wheel, her rolling drum, her yella hat with the 3 little feathers in it. She stared blankly at me and shouted, "Salagadoola mechickaboola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!
13an added bonus in this bumper car ride of chance encounters we call life. Take the author who started this story, 49Faithful. Suppose when he was 9 yrs old, his father took him to
10n angry protest. Dr. Seuss declared, "Sometimes the glory of a story is that it doesn't mean a thing. It's demeaning to suggest meaning in a word without an aim."
10The denizens of said pub huddled around the last candle, sipping of their spirits and praying to
12Dick nodded his head, "Yes I like the idea, 'Sweep Dreams' for the new show, but we can't call the participants 'bums' or 'prostitutes'. We have to call them