FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11The customs officials opened the suitcase, and the heroine leapt out and kicked them all in the face like Wonder Woman, and hurried off to save the orphans from the evil villain
10Stolen bottle of Valium that you were looking for. Remember? That was when the riots happened and you were told not to report it. Mr. Gigabyte himself made that decision." The
10What happens when you get bit bt a snowman mixed with a vampire? Frost bite.
15"I want to bedazzle my horn to camoflage it from poachers," whispered rhino Jenny. I under took the arduous journey to the Swarovski Kristallwelten in old Osterreich with forebodi
12He wondered if a hit of acid would silence that faint voice. He ate the sugar cube. His fold went all oogly-woogly and the faint voice became a shrieking raptor. It said, "Write