FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10As it turns out, she had. Her blue-in-blue eyes shined with euphoria like Fremen as she tipped her head to one side and lipped her lips seductively.
11way crossing. I heard a train whistle in the distance. "Are you crazy? That rose was solid gold!" Lucca cursed. He was going to have to retrieve it before it was destroyed.
10been fine if I hadn't recognized the lead head-banger: my AUNT VALETTA! I always knew she could sing, but I didn't know she could scream! Black leather does not become her.
10Finally get out of bed to go lay on the couch & dump wine on stack of ungraded papers. Give pupils 0 pts for not handing in assignment. Check reddit. Elon Musk drove circles around
11His boss played the fiddle and told a good riddle, and to Tong this one seemed new. For the answer he whittled, long hours he piddled, clutching his Coach bag and shoes.