FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11he opened his Christmas presents a day early. He got a singing tie and a singing fish. But he didn't get that which he desired most - a singing toothbrush. He struck his wife with
11who had a Fu Manchu mustache and answered questions with questions. JMan showed the wise Det the dragon tracks and asked if they had their culprit. The wise Det said "Is it a crime
10hear Pete--that's what I called him: Mr. Pete the parakeet--whistling and swearing. . .God, I miss him. . .but he was in a better place: Tippy:s Taco House under 6 inches of gravel
19out of cardboard and construction paper. She stood them up in various places in her house and pretended they were her BFFs. She made large scrapbooks of their "adventures."
14Doreene sings "Somewhere over the Swamp Haze". Then Poeleece impound her Huntin Dawg an a Hairycane picks up her shack & drops it in Awz. "We ain't in (Ar)kansas no more Rufus!