The Sun was hungry that day, consuming 22,000

  • The Sun was hungry that day, consuming 22,000 metric tons of hydrogen and eventually belching up a sizable solar flare of gamma-irradiated methane that descended on Poughkeepsie.
  • The Γ radiation created a tritiated methane cloud which setlled over Poughkeepsie bridge reacting with the phosphorescent paint to make a spectacular tourist magnet. Honeymooners
  • was a show in black and white with a fat guy named Ralph and a skinny guy named Norton. It was a glowing portrait of Ralph painted on Poughkeepsie bridge that the graffiti
  • inspector deemed subpar. He listed among many more deficencies, the following: To big a crew was involved to be classified a solo effort. Use of conflicting Shonen honor systems.
  • Could we go back please. How did the inspector know how many people were in the crew?
  • No, we cannot go back. That would be unfolding. So the remainder of the crew cleaned up what was left and went on break. Clarence had forgotten his steroid sandwich and had to go
  • do a couple crunches. The remainder of the FoldingStory crew proceeded on their normal break routines. Jerome, the market analyst, read more Sun Tzu. Lindsey, the indispensable
  • President of Everything Inc. started on her Icelandic tour to determine the status of endangered species in the arctic tundra biome since she had one full hour allotted for lunch.
  • Dr. Goggoviclodir was admanant she eat the menu while Bjork and the Sugarcubes watched. Sugarcube #1 said "Choose me!"when she had some oatmeal. Bjork said, no worries. There were
  • no comments around the listening circle. No one knew how to respond. Not even our therapist. "Well, alrighty then!" she finally chirped. "Who wants to share their story next?"


  1. PurpleProf Nov 08 2016 @ 17:12

    AWESOME story!!! Thank you, 49erFaithful, for your brave, brave self-disclosure.

  2. SlimWhitman Nov 08 2016 @ 17:21

    To plough takes two as well, But only one to hold up the sky.

  3. LordVacuity Nov 08 2016 @ 17:31

    Tell that to Osiris!

  4. LordVacuity Nov 08 2016 @ 17:32

    I got to nuke her now but not like you.

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