Wanna hear the most annoying thing in the

  • Wanna hear the most annoying thing in the world?
  • "No" I said, so of course he started screeching 'Mrreeeee' right in my frickin earhole. I socked him in the shoulder but then Dad's arm came back thru the seats and began swinging
  • to the music...The Charleston! "Dad, you could participate more fully in this dance marathon if you would get out of your seat." Dad moped, but since his arms were already moving
  • because they'd had enough. His arms wanted to move to a torso less connected to an idiot head. So late that night, the Dad's arms wrote a note to his neck and said,
  • "You'd look dandy in a hemp necktie at the Headless Horseman's Ball on the next full moon." The arms wrote it in Braille with their elbows so the neck could read it with his Adam's
  • apple. The eyes blinked morse code in agreement as the leg danced itself into the ballroom! Every body part moved back aghast! ONE LEG! What had happened to his partner?
  • Sir John had apparently been ambushed by fans and one leg escaped. "Hiya!", the leg said as it checked out the dance floor. "My twin must be somewhere." then it started sobbing.
  • Because it flashed back to that highway and the flowers on the edge and the dew still lurking in the shades. And then the IED that pulverized their connection; how innocent it look
  • -ed, like a Keane painting- all big-eyed and dewy (like the flowers by the shade), except that it was ticking. When the ticking stopped the explosion followed. Everyone stopped and
  • vaporized into antimatter and was sent flying into the 10th dimension where, their souls were enlightened on how to create life in an anti-matter universe. They became anti-gods.


  1. KieferSkunk Jun 27 2017 @ 15:47

    This has to be one of the most bizarre progressions I've seen here yet. :)

  2. KieferSkunk Jun 27 2017 @ 15:48

    What began as a simple road trip ended in the inevitable heat death of the universe...

  3. Woab Jun 28 2017 @ 10:54

    Hilarious. Two brats fighting in the back seat led to the creation of anti-gods.

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