If I were a bird I'd fly away.

  • If I were a bird I'd fly away.
  • If I were a turtle, I'd peek out at the whole world and then creep deeper into my shell.
  • Unfortunately, I am a giant tortoise and must bear the weight of the world or some unknown number of other tortoises all the way up. If I were to have a look, the whole stack would
  • topple and thus the universe would collapse. And, as a humble tortoise, and I can't bear the thought of killing every single other living and non-living noun in the universe. I
  • decided to dump my sense of guilt on another tortoise so that he or she could carry the wait of three worlds for a change. Suddenly there was another tortoise below me. Then anoth
  • er. Soon I had a new problem. No longer did I have the burden of holding the three worlds up but now I had the problem of trying to get down from all the turtles I placed bellow me
  • . "GET OFF OUR BACKS", the turtles bellowed, and I scrambled down, using their furious little-old-man heads as steps. My eyes darted about for an exit from this weird world.
  • It was then that I realized I was in Congress and that Mitch McConnell had just poked his head out of his shell. "Is there something you wanted to say?" he asked me.
  • "No, not really," I replied before quickly looking down at my lap. I had no intention of keeping this farce going. I just wanted to get out of here and back to my real life.
  • "you're wanting to get out of here, back to your real life" they said, reading my mind. I was stunned. but, how did. "we're in a story, I see up to 180 characters of your thoughts"


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 11 2018 @ 05:00

    Nice finish jimmyBimmy!

  2. bachtopus Dec 12 2018 @ 18:09

    Good job everybody!

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