
  • .
  • The previous fold's lone period laid menstrual blood in a spouting river until it was knee-high. Our settee was completely ruined. Right in the middle of "Supernatural". Is that
  • weird? No I ask you dear reader, is that weird? I don't mean weird like odd, I mean weird like bone-rubberizing oogly sights of an organic beast monster that makes your flesh bits
  • burn to the point of physical pain. That's the kind of weird I'm talking about. Or maybe I'm talking about an STD. Or....wait. No, no, I remember. Okay, let me start over.
  • I'ts been a long night alright, I don't quite know what I'm on about anymore.. The acid has long since taken its hold, and the walls are whispering to me, that's not good right?
  • I probably should have stayed in rehab that last time. But then again, I don't understand how white walls, ugly nurses, and medication are supposed to make me want to STOP doing
  • drugs. Besides, I don't even do drugs; they do me. I'll just be sitting there minding my own business when a line of coke or a hit of X will just pop itself up my nose or in my
  • Vein. Drugs are not controlling me, I'm sure of that. I just like to use them 4-5 times a day, and if I don't, I get the shivers and vomit uncontrollably. I control the drugs, not
  • vice versa. You may think that's the drugs talking, but would drugs talk with slurred speech? Of course not. They're meticulously concocted in backyard sheds to be slurry-free.
  • And that's how I've come to realize that even though I thought I was sober...I really was a mess.Checked into rehab,got clean,got a job and used my first payment to pay my dealer.


  1. KMR9207 Jun 16 2014 @ 13:40

    this one had me giggling all the way through

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