It was the simplest of physics: an object

  • It was the simplest of physics: an object in motion tends to stay in motion, and Brenda was definitely in motion. She'd
  • soon experience the third law of motion, "The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite" when Angela Love floored her with a Stinger Splash
  • just before she projectile vomited in Angelas face, as she crashed to the floor in agony, she realised that, by invoking the the 5th dimension she could have cancelled out that 3rd
  • Rock from the sun show which, let's face it was totally crappy. The show about the sasquatch living with a family was better. The network had murdered creativity since 3's company
  • . They discovered they could take regular people, put them on a deserted island. Starve them. Have them beat each other in snarky bon mots and ratings would go through the roof.
  • "I liked Wheel of Fortune better when it was about puzzles," Vanna said, but Pat wouldn't have any of it. The gritty reboot saw his salary double in three months.
  • Vanna decided to boycot the Wheel, she'd refuse to watch, participate or in any way be involved. The Wheel didn't care, it would spin and spin anyway with or without Vanna. Spin fo
  • rizzle as operated by the kinetic engine beneath that was programmed to stop the Wheel of Fortune on bankrupt when (usually black) contestants won too much. Vanna cared more about
  • the studio executives. This was her chance to leave Wheel of Fortune and build her career. It had not been an easy journey on the casting couch but Vanna was a woman on a mission
  • ary position five year plan. When Sajack arrived the next day, he saw the fabulous motor home was missing and S_ _ Y_ _ L_T_R S_ _ K _ R S on the game board. He _ _ P_.


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 25 2012 @ 17:35

    Great finish. Can I buy a vowel? Surprise Game show reunion... Cassidy wins big on the Price is Right http://foldingstory.com/m847v/ There was another one with Bob Barker cruising with his Spaymobiel to 'save' cats but I can't find it. Are there others?

  2. Zetawilk Nov 25 2012 @ 23:46

    We should make a Lingo story where every fold can only use five-letter words.

  3. Zetawilk Nov 25 2012 @ 23:46

    Or seven-letter German words.

  4. 49erFaithful Nov 26 2012 @ 14:40

    OK, I'll bite. Pat did *what* after seeing SEE YOU LATER SUCKERS on the game board?

  5. m80 Nov 26 2012 @ 22:31

    He wept.

  6. 49erFaithful Nov 26 2012 @ 22:41

    Solid. Thanks m80.

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