Today Bucky decided he didn't want to be

  • Today Bucky decided he didn't want to be a sidekick he wanted to be a villain. First he decided to get rid of Captain America. "Hi Bucky." Cap said.Then Bucky
  • catapulted into Captain America, knocking him onto the ground, unconscious. Bucky tied him up, and took him to the nearest neighborhood volcano, dangling him over a vat of
  • BBQ-sauce. "Aha, there is no way to escape from your predicament Cpt. America!" , Bucky crowed triumphantly. Just then, Cpt. America let rip a fart so powerful it
  • destroyed the last smatterings of taste of a fledgling story,but at least we've answered the joke about whats red brown & blue all over. All that was left of Bucky was Buckyballash
  • itstaineddrawers which we couldn't decide that fate of. 40% wanted to keep them for posterity, 40% wanted to burn them, and 20% were undecided. It was these fence-sitters who drew
  • barrymore's old scratch lottery tickets were keeping afloat. They would steal them from her car floor then sell them on Ebay. With this money they were able to co
  • mbine it with money from selling their plasma, and stock up on beans, rice and orange juice. It didn't hurt that they lived in one of the most agriculturally productive parts of
  • The land of Oz. The Scarecrow had the luckless task of warding off aliens from plkanet #675. These men were not fluent in english, making matters worse. He called for help and a
  • funny little parrot wearing a sombrero appeared. "What can I help you with, siiiiiiiir?" the parrot said, only in Spanish. He didn't know what to say, mostly because he didn't
  • normally socialize with birds."I've been hurt before by your kind",I whispered."Hush",he said softly,taking off his sombrero and spreading his wings wide open."I will heal you."


  1. boy May 06 2016 @ 15:24

    Dang. In your head,put in "he whispered", not "I whispered" when reading the last paragraph. Stupid mistake.

  2. boy May 06 2016 @ 15:25

    And "the bird" for "he said". Bloody countdown...sorry.

  3. SlimWhitman May 06 2016 @ 17:05

    Don't stress, it reads nice both ways. and "you can't go back" ain't true on foldingstory. Welcome!

  4. boy May 07 2016 @ 08:42

    Thank you, sir.

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