For Sale: White Furby, still in the box,

  • For Sale: White Furby, still in the box, excellent condition. Comes with free three-bedroom, two-bathroom estate. Call me for pricing information @ 410-123-4567.

  • Brring...brring. "Hello?" "Yeah hi I'm calling about the Furby for sale?" "Oh great, it's still available." "Cool, so I'm wondering if you might be interested in a trade. I've got

  • a shiny new Pikachu that I don't need?" "Hmm, wow sure, thanks dude" And that's when the great Furkachu incident happened. When Furby saw Pikachu

  • and the Hello Kitty convention and Captain Planet was holding hands with one of the Mom's from Rugrat's, a completely new sick, incestuous, animated drama unfolded and

  • was instantly green-lit for Adult Swim. This latest trashy bastardization of pop-culture was just as impractical as their regular line-up, because my ex is too stoned to tell what

  • Happened at the party last night, where she met some neutrinos and quarks who were amazingly articulate. They stuck with club soda whilst she polished off Killian's red ale. Some

  • top and bottom quarks where coupling up, and the things were starting to heat up at the high energy bar. Then a Higgs Boson of indeterminate mass came on to her. Things got heavy

  • and started to shrink, until they were no bigger than an atom. Then with catastrophic speeds the dot exploded and expanded. Galaxies and stars hurtled across the universe, new

  • worlds were born, life ignited, civilizations established. That singular dot which was the source of everything was recognized by some as God, but others said- what pencil made tha

  • Multiverse Hood to which we had been relegated.



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