The 1 phrase of Flemish my boyfriend knew

  • The 1 phrase of Flemish my boyfriend knew was: "You have beautiful breasts." I didn't ask how he'd picked that one up. My phrase was "2 hundred grams of Emmenthal, please."
  • But instead of giving me what I asked for, my Flemish boyfriend tucked the extra breast under his jacket. I looked down at myself. Nope, not one of mine. Our language barrier was
  • renegotiated every damn moment. If he didn't hand me the goods, Jean Bosco would find a surprise at Checkpoint Charlie. I smacked him and the extra breast wobbled out of his jacket
  • "Now you've done it" babbled Bosco. "Nobody was supposed to know that I've got one to spare!" Sigh, now that the secret was out, I'd have to handle it very carefully. I reached out
  • and plunged my arms elbow deep into the vat of chili, receiving the item hidden within. Now, before any protests could be made, I
  • plunged my head into the vat of chili. I was spice drunk. While my fingers search fro the hidden item at the bottom, my mouth was gulping zesty beans. I felt a pair of hands
  • and high-fived them with haste. All hands in the vat of chili shared a common cause: the search for the El Con Carne. Some said it was lost treasure, some said it was ground-up cow
  • rump, but I knew the El Con Carne were the hot Tamale, the Big Juan's of the meat stew world. The first of us five to grasp the El Con Carne in th vat would put the Bandito of the
  • Brigade on the pedestal for best Mexican Tomali of 2011. It was a tense race, but Jose was an Olympic dive master and got into the vat first. The crowd went wild as he emerged with
  • 2 chicken pies. "10". "9". " 9" were the judges score. On that day, Jose was inducted to the hall of fame. His record was never to be broken for another 20 years.


  1. SlimWhitman Jan 21 2016 @ 05:26

    Huh, chicken pie in chile con carne. I'll have to try it sometime...

  2. lucielucie Jan 22 2016 @ 19:03

    Mooie memmen fyi

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