The air was chill. Silence filled the empty

  • The air was chill. Silence filled the empty night.
  • With a quick glance at my GPS, I switched on my night goggles and pulled the urban camouflage closer to my body. Soon, I will find out where Buttercup prowls at night.
  • I lay on the dirt behind Mrs. Pott's shrubs and listened closely for the creature of the night. There she was. Buttercup. The bastard kitten had feasted on my bait, teeth glinting
  • in the moonlight. But the poison in the bait caused a strange reaction. Buttercup began to rumble and tremble, expanding into a giant kitten! Panicking, I ran from my hiding place.
  • HOLY CATNIP! In the 3 seconds it took me to get out there, Buttercup had grown so big that I couldn't see anything but puss. It was surreal. Or should I say furreal? Buttercup was
  • really furry but not fat. I could barely see beyond the sea of hair. Empty tuna fish cans littered the floor. Buttercup knocked over her food and water bowls with her dust-mop tail
  • And that's when doggy danger got mad. He chased after Buttercup, the poor incident cat until he got board and decided she wasn't worth the hassle.
  • Danger could care less about Buttercup! Stupid cat! He had alleys to patrol, dumsters to sniff. As leader of the doggy gang, he couldn't be seen fraternizing with the enemy, but
  • tercup was a really foxy cat and well, Danger, the dog, had a thing for. . .cats. Buttercup was fat and orange. This is how Danger liked 'em. He wanted to kiss her feline lips
  • and lick her marmalade fur. But Buttercup was having none of it. She was always species specific in matters of the heart. Danger's own heart was broken until he met twins Fifi &


  1. lucielucie Nov 08 2014 @ 18:37

    Oops - accidentally pressed submit. I don't quite know how It's going to end...

  2. Gibber Nov 08 2014 @ 19:06

    Continued: http://foldingstory.com/0gxiw/

  3. SlimWhitman Apr 17 2017 @ 05:34

    The story of Danger is ready to continue yet again... See Gibber's link to the above completed story

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